The history of our association goes back about the year 2004...

Due to the steady rise in the number of Cameroonians living in Germersheim, Marie-Florence Fouda had this brilliant idea of founding an association, which will bring together expats from Cameroon so as to maintain and promote brotherhood deeply embedded in every Cameroonian community. The main thrust of this initiative, backed by Joyce Noufele, brought into being the CCG in March 2004.

At the very beginning, Cameroonians as well as friends welcomed this idea with great enthusiasm, which in fact only went a long way to confirm the need of such a social network amongst Cameroonians in the Diaspora.

CCG activities not only included cross-cultural interchanges but also and above all, mutual assistance amongst the group members, values advocated by the pioneers.

The CCG experienced a journey full of ups and downs during which the course of its destiny was still to be clearly defined. Edouard Okala (the first ever president), Alain Djossa and Nathalie Iyabi were more than determined to instil some changes in the association. Committed members like Yvette Nguele steered the association in the direction of legalisation. This move was backed up by Elvis Tchapchet, Nathalie Iyabi, David Ngolle, not forgetting to mention other association members whose names we are not going to list down. This was the first step towards a long journey, which finally led to a triumphant outcome in May 2008.

The CCG e.V saga continued with the former executive office under the leadership of the dynamic president William Sandjoh who brought a fresh whiff of life in the association.

We hope that CCG e.V. will continue to thrive and that the solid foundations laid down through the pugnacity of the aforementioned names would serve as a role model for the future generation.

Thank you for visiting our site and taking part in our activities.

Editorial team

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Die Zukunft der CCG e.V. war lange unklar bis neue motivierte Leute wie Alain Djossa, Edouard Okala - erster Vorsitzende des Vereins - und Nathalie Iyabi den starken Wunsch äußerten, den Kurs zu wechseln.

Dank der Sensibilisierungsarbeit motivierter und aufopferungsvoller Vereinsmitglieder wie Yvette Nguele wurde die Idee, den Verein gesetzlich anerkennen zu lassen, ohne große Schwierigkeiten akzeptiert. Damit begann ein langes gesetzliches Verfahren, das nach Bemühungen von Elvis Tchaptchet, Nathalie Iyabi, David Ngolle und anderen Vereinmitgliedern zum Erfolg führte.

Mit dem damaligen Vorstand und dessen sehr dynamischen Vorsitzenden William Sandjoh, der dem gemeinnützigen eingetragenen Verein neuen Schwung brachte, ging die Saga der CCG e.V. weiter.

Wir hoffen auf weiteren Erfolg der CCG e.V., mit dem Ziel, dass die von den o.g. Personen errichteten soliden Grundsteine für die jüngere Generation hilfreich sein werden.

Wir danken Ihnen dafür, dass Sie uns auf unserer Webseite besuchen und an unseren Veranstaltungen teilnehmen.

Die Redaktion

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